Leadership Tips from a holistic strategic thinker

The following are only some of the golden nuggets from my conversation with Helen Chambers about being a strategic leader in the second episode of Making The Difference podcast. How many of these resonate with you?

I have heard of people who've have been instructed to 'sweat their assets'. And it's like really? I think our assets is sweaty enough. Thank you very much. And it's not kind. 

  1. People aren't machines, and especially right now. People have had a tough 3 or 4 years and it's not getting any easier. So, build in ebb and flow to your strategy.

  2. Literally walk the talk, get out of 'the office'. And tell people that is what you are doing and why you are doing changes. 

  3. If you are a leader lead. And lead by example, don't just tell people that that's what they ought to do. 

  4. Bring humour and fun into things. A lightness of touch brings energy and it brings creativity. So just having a sense of you about yourself. Laughing releases an awful lot of strain and stress

  5. Self-awareness is key. Know when you are at your optimum. If you know, that in the year, you are on fire between April and July, then that is when you just go for it

  6. Be Kind.

Just because your intent is good, that doesn't give you permission to behave badly. You can get people in when talking about social impact that think because the thing that they are doing matters gives them permission to be over bearing, rude, obnoxious. They're bullying, short tempered. And actually, you don't have permission to do that. 


#strategy #socialimpact #leadership #scotland #wellbeing


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