The optimistic climatepreneur

This week's episode focuses on the climate emergency and an unusually optimistic entrepreneur, Ben Valks of the Black Jaguar Foundation. We talk about a strategy that is evidence-led, co-operative and collaborative, and how a ‘fire in the belly’ can attract your allies.

In today's rapidly changing climate, the need for large-scale environmental restoration is more critical than ever, and my conversation with Ben talks through his taking on a challenge head-on by restoring an area in Brazil equivalent to the size of Lebanon.

His mission is to restore balance between nature and humanity - proving that we can indeed revive our planet despite widespread pessimism. His journey from a successful entrepreneur to a passionate environmentalist shows us that it's never too late to pursue what matters most.

The project focuses on rebuilding wildlife corridors and plant restoration in Brazil – an ambitious initiative spanning generations but one that holds significant benefits for biodiversity. The strategy has been one of meticulous preparation followed by evidence-based action.

An interesting aspect of their work involves assisting farmers in restoring deficit areas on their properties while demonstrating how reinstating natural habitats benefits not just the environment but also their own lands.

This venture stands as a testament to what can be achieved when passion meets purpose. It serves as inspiration for all of us working towards sustainable solutions within our respective industries.

How can you lead optimistically when others around you aren’t?

#ClimateChange #Sustainability #Environment #Restoration #strategy #leadership #globalimpact


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