Welcome to the Brave Collective

Reignite the fire in your belly, re-find your purpose and be calm in the chaos

so that you can be the BRAVE leader you want to be

You’ve landed here because…

  • ..right now you are swamped, and you feel like you are walking in treacle. What you set out to do is feeling really, really difficult (but you once used to love it).

    The Brave Collective

  • you want to be given tools and experience practices that will support you in feeling the clarity and confidence to be brave again.

    The Brave Collective

  • and hear from other brave leaders of different walks of life about their journey, and will have a clear roadmap and action plan for your next steps to brave.

    The Brave Collective

Great, this is for you if you are:

An emerging leader who’s ready to challenge the status quo but can’t quite see a way forward

A brave pioneer who is feeling disillusioned and lost your ‘brave’ and sense of purpose.

A creative soul who wants to connect to their true purpose in a co-regulated environment.

A strategic thinker who is struggling to bring others on board


Our journey starts here…

Being brave means something different to everyone. And being on the circle of brave will almost certainly happen many times as you peel back those layers of the onion.

That is why being connected to yourself and having a supportive community of like-minded people is so important to be, so we can all be on that journey with you.

It’s time you invested in you, your wellbeing and your mindset.

It’s time to welcome YOU back!

You want to be BRAVE and make an impact without draining every ounce of energy.

You want your mojo back. 

It’s time to find the space, and connect with what gives you the fire in the belly so you can move forward with confidence and rise above the noise.


Your bridge to brave.

I have developed The Brave Collective because I understand how important it is to reconnect with your sense of purpose. By reconnecting with your purpose, you can gain clarity and have no fear in where it is you want to go. I also understand that you need to maintain, not drain energy for your strategy to brave: Brave to move forward, to lead a team, to communicate with others and challenge the status quo. 

I know that bravery is easier with a community of fellow pioneers, rooting for each other where you can collectively learn to how to truly ground yourself and listen to what you need, problem-solve.

Going at your own pace, you will be a member of The Brave Collective, that can leave and make waves in the world with the energy you need to be you.

How The Brave Collective is structured.

  • Group Coaching

    Share with, learn from and support other participants so you can grow your confidence and develop the strength of the Collective.

  • Action Learning Sets

    Bring a problem to the group and take step-by-step approach to solving it, with actionable steps to take your own solutions forward.

  • Brave Speakers

    Meet and question a brave leader about how they have navigated barriers and the tools they use to keep their head above water.

  • Grounding Sessions

    Experience and learn new tools to keep you grounded as you navigate your journey to brave. From mindfulness to visualisation you can use these tools for life as you navigate your brave.

  • Masterclasses

    Based on your needs, you will have access to masterclasses with resources so that you can gain more knowledge about issues affecting you or your organisation.

  • Accountability

    You will receive one free Accountability Session with Kirsty so we can plan and action your next steps with goals, identifying the support you need as you move forward.

Meet Kirsty

After many years of walking alongside and supporting leaders and pioneers I can see the increasing pressures both externally and internally that can wear us down.  I understand the complexities of burnout and how we can tap into so many tools and resources to help keep us going on our journey to be brave. 

I have learned that with grounding and connection to our purpose and vision, we can have clarity with what we are truly supposed to do. And with a roadmap we can take the action to put us back on track. 

Once we know this clarity we can truly trust in our purpose, giving us the roadmap to brave. It is our absolute knowledge and purpose that gives us the ability to be brave. 

From stillness comes action and each action brings us closer to our purpose.  The Brave Collective is a safe space for exploration and reflection with others who feel the same, to help you feel unstuck.

I can see what you’re capable of, even if you can’t, and I can help you to reach your vision and renew your sense of purpose with a collective of like-minded individuals. Together we can do it.

Your next steps.

Interested in finding out more about The Brave Collective and how you can join? Please fill in the form and we can arrange a call.


  • You will have online commitments at least 1.5 hours per week, plus practice at home.

  • You do not have to but it is strongly recommended. This programme has been developed to connect and ground yourself as well as to problem-solve. The effectiveness of this is based on your commitment to the process.

    You have invested in yourself to be here.

  • You simply follow the button labeled "JOIN NOW" and pay the relevant price. Once you have secured your place you will receive an email from myself confirming the dates of your course and any other details. Your place will only be secured once payment has been completed.

  • I live in Scotland, so all sessions will be delivered in GMT/ BST

  • I have walked alongside leaders, facilitating and holding a safe space for them to blossom and flourish for many years.

    If any of the above resonates with you, it is for you.

  • Yes, included in the price is a 1:1 session, and you will get discounted rate for additional sessions.

  • You will have an idea of what brave thing you want to achieve, and we will work with you to help you develop your road map and action plan.