Sick of the Status Quo?
So are we
The Brave Collective is your safe space for the gloriously uncomfortable - it is a peer-led movement for those who give a shit, know their shit, and want to make a difference.
No blueprints. Just real connections with people who see what you see: a world that needs to change, and the fire in your belly to help make it happen.
Whether you need to breathe, be, or build - you have a place here. Come find your kind of people, those who refuse to accept "that's just how things are."
Ready to be brave?
For those who see what's wrong and want to make it right
You are the ones who:
feel overwhelmed by the state of the world right now
want to challenge the status quo and call out inequality
think differently and creatively
want to make brave decisions, not just difficult ones
want to find your voice to speak truth to power
feel ready to experience the rebellious act of pausing
want to make a difference

This is why I created The Brave Collective - a safe space for those who need it right now. A place to:

We’re in a humanity crisis
We need brave and regenerative voices now more than ever. People who know what they want to say and the difference they want to make, and just need a safe space to breathe, be and build.
This is your invitation to join us. To walk, talk, breathe, and build together. To become part of a collective that understands the madness of our world right now.
and wants to do something about it.

BUILD: Strategic Action & Support
For brave, regenerative leaders ready to build something new, in their own time.
Transform your purpose into concrete action through focused 1:1 coaching, strategic planning, and a supportive container of fellow change-makers. Get the accountability and guidance needed to build what comes next.
Pay As You Can. Guide Price from £250/month - Includes personalised strategy sessions, 1:1 coaching and and anchoring sessions
Bridie Ashrowan, Build participant
“The Brave Collective is different. The focus on courage to be brave in a very safe container with Kirsty & peers, has made a big difference to me. Whether you are starting a new role, in the middle of a complex one or starting your side hustle, the Brave Collective is an incredible companion plan.
Supplementary sessions using energy work & NLP, in addition to 1:1s with Kirsty, have really deepened this journey. I cannot recommend Brave highly enough - it has been deeply kind and enlightening.”

BE: Group Coaching & Anchoring
Strip away the titles, rediscover you and what you have to say
Through fortnightly online group coaching and action learning sets, 'Be' creates a safe space where you can rediscover the authentic you beneath the armour we've all built up. This is your space to connect with others who might feel a little stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from their purpose. But you see a mad world and want to work out where you fit in it.
Collectively you'll learn to reconnect with and sustain that vital fire in your belly, and confidence to just be. There is no pressure to do anything other explore, find your voice, and build your foundations. 'Be' helps you tap into your natural wisdom and strength, building the resilience needed to create positive change in a world that desperately needs it. No matter how big or small.
Pay As You Can. Guide Price £100/month - Includes weekly group sessions and monthly anchoring sessions.

BREATHE: Walk & Talk
For leaders, activists and those who give a sh*t, who need space to make sense of this mad and changing world. Step away from screens and into the wilderness. Connect with your regenerative potential
Join fellow regenerative leaders for a walks in the hills where we make sense of our changing world. No boardrooms. No presentations. Just open skies, honest conversations, and the strength that comes from moving forward together.
Next Walk: Saturday 22nd February 2025, Tyninghame Beach, East Lothian for a spot of walking, talking and seaweed foraging.
Free - because building a better world shouldn't depend on your bank balance.
Meet Kirsty
Sometimes we need someone else to hold up a mirror and remind us of our capability when the work feels overwhelming. I see that regenerative fire in you, even when you might have forgotten it's there. Together, we'll help you find your way back to it, building your resilience and clarity step by step, in your own time.
Because when you're connected to your purpose, brave decisions become clearer. When you're grounded in who you are, calling out injustice becomes easier. And when you're supported by others who get it, rebuilding from the rubble becomes possible.
Ready to harness your regenerative power? Let's talk.
After walking alongside leaders and pioneers for many years, I've witnessed our world shifting into a new era. Some are desperately trying to preserve what was, others seem intent on destroying everything, but I work with those ready to regenerate - to rebuild something better from the ground up.
I understand the weight of being a regenerative leader in these challenging times. It can be exhausting to consistently stand up for what's right, to protect your community, to defend the planet, all while maintaining your own wellbeing and purpose. I've been there - from hiding under desks to taking brave leaps into the unknown - and I know what it takes to keep that fire in your belly burning bright.
Through The Brave Collective, I create a sanctuary for regenerative leaders like you. It's a space where you can drop your armour, reconnect with your authentic self, and build the resilience needed for the long road ahead. Here, you'll find others who understand the journey, who share your vision for a better world, and who know the importance of building strength together.
Your next steps.
Interested in finding out more about The Brave Collective and how you can join? Please fill in the form and we can arrange a call.